Monday, March 9, 2009

Inter-Gender Communication

*Click on the picture to enlarge*

I came across this comic published by the Los Angeles Times over the internet. It was pretty interesting to see how different genders decipher messages differently and I thought that inter-gender communication would be an interesting topic for discussion.

No doubt, men and women vary significantly in their verbal communication, body language, and how they listen to others. They often pick up different cues in the conversations, and interpret the meaning of the message differently from what the speaker intends to convey. Even in the course text, it was stated that "women often hear the feelings, while men hear the contents and facts" (Chew et al, 2006).

Clearly, the differences in receiving and processing the information between men and women can create potential conflicts when they communicate with each other. Women usually pick on the details of the message and process information collectively. In other words, women take a step further by relating details of this message to the information from another message. On the other hand, men read messages more independently. Other than picking on the details of the message, they look at the general content of the message.

Since men and women were born to be different and they have distinct mindsets and behaviours, don't you think that inter-gender communication can also be classified as a form of intercultural communication since both involves different mindsets and behaviours?

Chew M.L., Lee K.C. (2006). The Science of Effective Communication - Developing Active Listening. The Science of Effective Communication in the Workplace.


  1. Hi Yuan,

    Wow, from comics can see that women are much more complex than men. Women tend to think too much?

    I agree with you that women usually pick on details of the message whereas men read message independently. Both have its pros and cons. For instance, women might be over-reading a message or men might have left out important points.

    I think men and women do not have distinct mindsets and behaviors, there are still some overlaps here and there. Such as one’s moral values. Nevertheless, during class, culture is defined as the full range of learned human behaviour patterns. Hence, I feel that communication between man and woman can be considered as intercultural communication. However there is a grey line, as we need to consider the environment the man and woman reside that helps define theirs culture? What do you think?

  2. In a sense, I agree that intergender communication can be considered intercultural communication. Both involve different norms. I know I communicate differently with other guys than I do with girls. I also interpret gestures differently depending on the gender of the communicator (I think we all do).

    Sort of a nonsequetor, but I saw a joke somewhere that said, "If two women go two a party wearing the same dress, there may be tension. If two men at a party wear the same outfit, they might just become the best of friends."

  3. Hieyo Yuan!

    People say "A picture speaks a thousand words." It's so true! Your comic strip does say alot about the differences in interaction between females and males.

    I'm sure everyone would experience what you stated in your entry. Females are wired to be more adept in the emotions department and can sometimes be perceived as irrational by the males. Males are wired to be more adept in the cognitive department and can sometimes be perceived as inhumane by the females.

    And building on what you said, there is always room for conflicts in the intergender communication. As such, effective communication is all the more important to tackle such differences.

    I agree with Jane that intergender communication can be considered as intercultural communication because males and females have different behavioural patterns. And yes, the upbringing does influence the behavioural patterns of the sexes. For example, American females behave different from Asian females.

  4. Hi Yuan,

    Intergender communication could be considered a form of intercultural communication. However, the apparent difference of females vs males are sometimes due to stereotype and there are a lot of exceptions. Different cultures as exemplified by Kalene changes the way different behaviour of the sexes. It is undisputable that females utilise a greater percentage of the brain and could multitask very effectively. There is also evidence that progesterone and estrogen increases the sensations of mood felt in a patient. Most females uses mood as a reason why they behave in different situations. The increase in effectiveness of female neurons might be one of the reasons why females interpret communications differently than males. However, I have met very rational females and also emotional males.

  5. Yup. I do agree to what Jane and Kalene mentioned on the upbringing of the individuals and the environment that they are exposed to. So, this further co-incides with intercultural communication right? Because different races, just like the different sexes, were brought up as a result of the kind of environment they were exposed to since young.

    And perhaps, like what Bernard has said, if both female and male were brought up in the same environment, maybe their behaviour would be similar.

  6. Actually, I do agree with what the rest say here. There is a natural tendency to stereotype people, in particular genders, to identify general differences (and similarities) and respond accordingly.

    Hmm, but what about between women - we have miscommunication and misunderstanding too? :p

  7. Hey Yuan Yuan,

    I believe that males and females are created to complement each other. As such, both sexes have a different frame of mind which i supposed could be called intercultural communication.

    However, we must note that this is highly due to societal influence. If you have a baby girl, you would of course buy her girl's toys and accessories. You would teach her the appropriate gestures of behaving like a girl and such.(I hope you don't tell her that please be careful of guys! haha!) You will bring her up according to the society definition of being a girl and fulfil certain roles in the society.

    To add on to Christine's comment of women do have miscommunication, and i feel that they do take a longer time to reconcile than men since women are supposed to be more sensitive to feelings. Do they? :)



  8. Yes, I do feel that there's miscommunication and misunderstanding between women. But men do have miscommunication too right?

    And other than women, I think that some men are also sensitive to feelings ya? Haha.. Let's not stereotype women! (:
